How to Sell Shoes Online in 2023 (Even if They Are Used)

How to Sell Shoes Online in 2023 (Even if They Are Used)


The blog “How to Sell Shoes Online in 2023 (Even if They Are Used)” provides practical advice for individuals who are interested in selling shoes online. The blog highlights the importance of cleaning the shoes thoroughly, taking high-quality photos, accurately describing the shoes, setting a fair price, choosing the right platform, and offering excellent customer service. The blog emphasizes the growing trend of online shopping and highlights the potential for individuals to make a profit by selling shoes online. By following the tips outlined in the blog, readers can increase their chances of success and build a loyal customer base.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Selling Shoes Online

Selling shoes online can be a lucrative business if you know how to do it right. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, there is no better time than now to start selling your shoes online. Whether they are new or used, there is a market for everything. In this blog, we will discuss how to sell shoes online in 2023, even if they are used.

1. Clean the shoes thoroughly

The first step to selling used shoes online is to clean them thoroughly. You want to make sure that the shoes look as good as new. You can use a damp cloth to wipe down the shoes and remove any dirt or grime. You can also use a specialised shoe cleaner to get rid of any stains or marks.

Cleaning the shoes thoroughly is an important step in preparing them for online sale. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean shoes properly:

  1. Remove any loose dirt or debris from the shoes. Use a soft-bristled brush or a dry cloth to gently wipe away any dirt or dust that has accumulated on the shoes.
  2. Prepare a cleaning solution. The type of cleaning solution you use will depend on the material of the shoes. For leather shoes, you can use a leather cleaner or a mixture of mild soap and water. For canvas shoes, you can use a mild laundry detergent mixed with water. For suede shoes, you can use a suede cleaner or a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water.
  3. Apply the cleaning solution to the shoes. Use a clean cloth or a soft-bristled brush to apply the cleaning solution to the shoes. Work the solution into the shoes, paying extra attention to any areas that are particularly dirty or stained.
  4. Rinse the shoes. Use a clean, damp cloth to rinse away the cleaning solution from the shoes. Be sure to remove all of the cleaning solution, as any residue can damage the shoes over time.
  5. Allow the shoes to air dry. Do not use a hairdryer or any other heating device to dry the shoes, as this can cause damage. Instead, place the shoes in a well-ventilated area and allow them to air dry completely.
  6. Apply a protective coating. Once the shoes are dry, you may want to apply a protective coating to help keep them looking their best. For leather shoes, you can use a leather conditioner or a waterproofing spray. For canvas shoes, you can use a fabric protector spray.

By following these steps, you can clean your shoes thoroughly and get them ready for online sale. Remember to take your time and be gentle with the shoes, as harsh cleaning methods can damage the material.

2. Take high-quality photos

One of the most important aspects of selling shoes online is to take high-quality photos. You want to make sure that the photos are clear and show the shoes in their best light. Take photos from different angles and make sure that you capture any unique features of the shoes.

Taking high-quality photos is essential to make your shoes look attractive to potential buyers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to take high-quality photos of your shoes:

  1. Find a well-lit area. It’s best to take photos in natural light, so look for a spot near a window or go outside if weather permits. Avoid using flash, as this can create glare and shadows.
  2. Use a clean, neutral background. Choose a solid-colored or plain background that won’t distract from the shoes. A white or light-colored background works well.
  3. Clean the shoes again. Before taking photos, double-check that the shoes are clean and free of any debris.
  4. Use a tripod or stabilize the camera. Keep the camera steady to avoid blurry photos. If you don’t have a tripod, try placing the camera on a stable surface or using a stack of books to prop it up.
  5. Take multiple photos from different angles. Take photos from the front, back, and sides of the shoes, as well as any unique features or details. Include close-up shots of any logos or branding.
  6. Show the shoes being worn. Consider taking photos of the shoes on a model or on your own feet to give buyers a sense of how they look when worn.
  7. Edit the photos if necessary. Use photo editing software to adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of the photos if needed. But avoid over-editing or misrepresenting the shoes.

By following these steps, you can take high-quality photos of your shoes that will attract potential buyers. Remember to take your time and experiment with different angles and lighting until you find the best shots. With great photos, you can showcase your shoes in the best possible light and increase your chances of making a sale.

3. Describe the shoes accurately

When you list the shoes online, it’s important to describe them accurately. Make sure that you include the brand, size, colour, and any other relevant details. You should also mention any flaws or defects, such as scuffs or scratches.

Describing the shoes accurately is an essential step to attract potential buyers and ensure that they know exactly what they are purchasing. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to describe your shoes accurately:

  1. Begin with the brand and model. Clearly state the brand and model of the shoes you are selling, as this is often the first piece of information that buyers look for.
  2. Mention the size and fit. Provide information about the shoe size, as well as any information on the fit of the shoes. For example, if the shoes run small or large, include this information in your description.
  3. Describe the condition of the shoes. Be honest about the condition of the shoes and note any flaws or damage, such as scuffs, scratches, or stains. Be sure to mention the overall condition of the shoes, including the sole, insole, and upper.
  4. Provide details about the materials. Note the materials used to make the shoes, such as leather, canvas, or synthetic materials. If the shoes have any special features, such as ventilation or waterproofing, include this information as well.
  5. Mention the style and color. Describe the style and color of the shoes, including any unique details or design elements. Be as specific as possible to help potential buyers visualize the shoes.
  6. Include any additional information. If you have any additional information about the shoes, such as their history or any special care instructions, include this information in your description as well.

By following these steps, you can accurately describe your shoes and provide potential buyers with all the information they need to make an informed purchase. Remember to be honest and upfront about any flaws or damage, as this will help build trust with buyers and increase the chances of making a sale.

4. Set a fair price

Setting a fair price is crucial when selling shoes online. You don’t want to price the shoes too high and scare off potential buyers, but you also don’t want to price them too low and lose out on profit. Do some research to see what similar shoes are selling for online and set your price accordingly.

Setting a fair price is crucial to ensure that you attract potential buyers and make a reasonable profit when selling your shoes online. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set a fair price for your shoes:

  1. Research the market. Look at prices for similar shoes on popular online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, as well as other sites specializing in secondhand or vintage shoes. This will give you an idea of the going rate for shoes in similar condition and help you price your shoes competitively.
  2. Consider the condition of the shoes. Take into account the condition of your shoes, including any flaws or damage. Shoes in excellent condition can be priced higher than those with visible wear and tear.
  3. Take into account the original cost. Consider the original price of the shoes and how much you paid for them. You should not expect to sell used shoes for the same price as new ones, but if the shoes are in excellent condition and were originally expensive, you may be able to price them higher.
  4. Think about the rarity or collectibility. If the shoes are rare or considered collectible, you may be able to price them higher than similar shoes in more common styles or colors.
  5. Be willing to negotiate. Leave some room for negotiation in your pricing strategy, as buyers may want to haggle for a lower price. Setting a slightly higher price than your ideal sale price can give you room to negotiate without losing too much profit.
  6. Set a competitive price. Based on your research, decide on a fair and competitive price for your shoes that takes into account all of the above factors. Be sure to also factor in any selling fees or shipping costs when determining your final price.

By following these steps, you can set a fair and competitive price for your shoes that will attract potential buyers and help you make a reasonable profit. Remember to be open to negotiation and willing to adjust your price if necessary to make a sale.

5. Choose the right platform

There are many platforms that you can use to sell shoes online, such as eBay, Shopnix, Amazon, or Posh-mark. Each platform has its own set of rules and fees, so you should choose the one that best suits your needs. Some platforms are better for selling high-end designer shoes, while others are better for selling casual or athletic shoes.

Choosing the right platform to sell your shoes is essential to ensure that you reach your target audience and make a successful sale. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to choose the right platform to sell your shoes:

  1. Research online marketplaces. Look at popular online marketplaces like eBay, Shopnix, Amazon, and Poshmark, as well as specialized marketplaces for shoes like GOAT or StockX. Consider the fees associated with each platform, as well as their audience and reach.
  2. Consider your target audience. Think about who your ideal customer is and where they are likely to shop online. For example, if you are selling high-end designer shoes, you may want to consider a platform that caters to luxury shoppers.
  3. Evaluate the platform’s features. Consider the features and tools offered by each platform, such as built-in shipping options, seller protection, and marketing tools. These features can make a big difference in the ease and success of your selling experience.
  4. Look at seller reviews and feedback. Check out reviews and feedback from other sellers on the platform to get a sense of how easy it is to sell on the platform, as well as how responsive and supportive the platform’s customer service is.
  5. Determine the fees and costs. Look at the fees associated with each platform, including listing fees, commission fees, and shipping costs. Factor these costs into your pricing strategy to ensure that you still make a profit.
  6. Decide on the best platform. Based on your research and evaluation of each platform, decide on the best platform to sell your shoes. Remember to also consider the time and effort required to set up and manage your listings on each platform.

By following these steps, you can choose the right platform to sell your shoes and maximise your chances of making a successful sale. Remember to carefully consider your target audience, the platform’s features and fees, and any additional costs associated with selling your shoes online.

6. Offer excellent customer service

Once you start selling shoes online, it’s important to offer excellent customer service. Respond promptly to any questions or inquiries from potential buyers, and make sure that you ship the shoes promptly and securely. You should also be willing to accept returns if the shoes don’t meet the buyer’s expectations.

Offering excellent customer service is crucial to ensure a positive selling experience for your customers and maximize your chances of making a successful sale. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to offer excellent customer service when selling shoes online:

  1. Be responsive. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and messages. This includes answering questions about the shoes, providing additional photos or information, and addressing any concerns or issues the customer may have.
  2. Be professional. Maintain a professional demeanor when communicating with customers, and always be polite and respectful.
  3. Be honest. Be honest and transparent about the condition of the shoes, any flaws or damage, and any other relevant information. This helps build trust with your customers and can lead to repeat business.
  4. Provide accurate and detailed descriptions. Provide accurate and detailed descriptions of the shoes in your listing, including the brand, size, color, and any relevant features or details. This helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  5. Ship promptly and securely. Ship the shoes promptly after receiving payment, and ensure that they are securely packaged to prevent any damage during transit.
  6. Follow up after the sale. Follow up with the customer after the sale to ensure that they received the shoes and are satisfied with their purchase. This can also be an opportunity to ask for feedback or to offer additional products or services.

By following these steps, you can offer excellent customer service when selling shoes online and maximize your chances of making a successful sale. Remember to be responsive, professional, and honest in all your interactions with customers, and to prioritize their satisfaction throughout the selling process.


Selling shoes online in 2023 is an excellent opportunity for individuals looking to make some extra money, even if the shoes are used. The blog highlights key steps that are necessary for success, including cleaning the shoes thoroughly, taking high-quality photos, accurately describing the shoes, setting a fair price, choosing the right platform, and offering excellent customer service. By following these steps, sellers can establish a positive reputation and build a loyal customer base. As the popularity of online shopping continues to grow, the market for selling shoes online will only continue to expand. With the guidance provided in this blog, individuals can take advantage of this growing trend and turn their shoes into profit.


My self Samantha. I am a blogger, who likes to write about eCommerce businesses and how people could make a living out of it. Interest:- Lifestyle, online business, digital marketing.

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