Sell Office Stationery Supplies Online

One of the most difficult questions to answer when starting up is “whether you are B2B or B2C?” Well being B2B is about selling to businesses/enterprises while being B2C is about dealing with customers directly. Amazon is B2C while Processor manufacturing enterprises are B2B.

How to Sell Office / School Stationery Online ?
If you are planning to start a business where you will be selling Office Stationary Online, you must try to be B2C. Selling B2B may bring in some huge contracts but will cut short the opportunities but if you are open as B2C, you can cater to enterprises while catering to local people.
Business To Customer is the best format for an office stationary online store because startups are going to be your biggest customer. Customized merchandise, pens, calendars and diaries are going to come in huge demand.
Here’s how you can make your online office stationary store a success:
Do not limit it to offices, allow the colleges to intervene
Colleges are the place where maximum number of startups is born. It is the place where kids are crazy enough to take their passion over their fear and make a dent in the world. Catering to colleges by reaching out to them through campus ambassador is going to trigger sales like never before. You will have to personally visit colleges every now and then to inspire kids to take up entrepreneurship and do something as crazy as you.
Leverage the power of Social Media
Do not run behind Google Ads or Pay Per Click advertising, take it slow but be very aggressive with social media marketing. Cover all popular platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. Organize contests give away merchandise for free but keep the audience engaged and spread the word about your business. Today’s students are going to be tomorrow’s managers, entrepreneurs, bosses and treasurers. Catch them young should be your motto when starting such an innocuous startup.
Look for possible partnership/sponsoring opportunities
As mentioned final year students busy organizing college fests are going to be tomorrow’s entrepreneurs. Catch them today and you will have potential business partners/clients tomorrow. Do not let the fear of losing out play on you.
Go ahead in the direction of success with confidence and you will surprise yourself. There are some amazing opportunities but they will reveal themselves only when you go looking for them.
There are some highly qualified competitors in market but they should be intimidating. They should inspire you to do better in life. Do not be troubled with the scale they are dealing at, start slow, keep your goals in mind, work hard, meet more people, market your company, sell yourself and do everything it takes to become the industry leader.
There’s enough in universe for everyone to be content, do not be sad if you end up losing one deal, do not quit if something goes wrong, keep going, keep improving and you will make it one day.