What is SaaS? Top 7 reasons Why SaaS for your Business?

What is SaaS? Top 7 reasons Why SaaS for your Business?
Top 7 reasons Why SaaS for your Business?

Software as a Service, commonly referred to as SaaS is a new software distribution model, that is fast catching up with different sectors. The software or application is provided by a vendor or service provider and hosted over a network, as in most cases ‘the internet’. SaaS is getting popular with every passing day, because of the vast advantages that it offers over the traditional model. SaaS is very closely related to ASP(application service provider) and ODC(on demand computing) software models.

SaaS is a direct result of Cloud Computing, not only is it more cost beneficial, it also provides you with a never seen before ease of access from any part of the world. A computer combined with a web browser, and you have your workstation on the go. Abiquo, Accelops, Akamai, Meghaware, FinancialForce are some of the companies already providing SaaS. The long term benefits of SaaS make it all the more desirable. Some of them are listed below to give you a better idea as to why SaaS is the way of the future.

No Infrastructure: All you need is a display panel, a keyboard, a mouse, and the host network and you are all ready to go. SaaS cuts down your infrastructure costs to the bare minimum. Not only is it a very cost cutting solution to the conventional way, it is also very low on maintenance, which is taken care of by the software provider.


Hassle Free Updates: With SaaS, you need bother yourself constantly with applying update and upgrade patches, as all of them are taken care by your service provider on his end. You will always have the latest and revamped version on your desk.

Service Guarantee: SaaS comes with the promise to deliver you fulltime service and support in case any problem turns up. The providers will fix it on their end and make sure that your work continues hassle free.

Work Anywhere: SaaS brings you cloud computing on the go. Wherever you go around the globe, all you need is a computer and a network connection and you are ready to work on the go. SaaS makes your office global because you can work, no matter where on Earth you are.

Backup: SaaS takes care of your data backup, just as it takes care of you. SaaS gives you the advantage of freedom from being bounded to a third party software/services for your data backup needs, which is quintessential for any business. Your data is backed up securely on SaaS servers and can be retrieved anytime, if need arises.

Security: SaaS ensures that your data stays only where it is secure and prevents any sort of unauthorized modification to it. As the administrator is in total control of the whole system, he can monitor everyone from his own desk. Moreover, the presence of software and data on the network ensures that nobody is able to change or transfer the data at his own disposal for his personal gain.


Pranav, 23, is a Full Time Freelance Writer, residing in the capital city of the Country. He has been cited as one of the youngest Blogger cum Content Writer from the state by the National Daily Hindustan Times. He has also contributed a short story to the Anthology, Phase Unknown Women-A Tribute. His next short story is slated to be released with Penguin India later this year. He is involved with varied online sites for varied types of writing.

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