
Categories/Add Types Categories Subcategories

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 14:58, 11 July 2014 by Subhrajit (talk | contribs) (Where I can access the type(s) , Category(s) and sub-category(s) feature?)

What is type(s), category(s) and sub category(s)?

Type: A grouping of similar kinds of manufactured goods or products, For example Books, Electronic, etc.

Category: It is a way to organize products in your store by the type of product(s) you sell. For example, if you sell Book products, then your category(s) might be Academic, Fiction, etc.
Sub-Category: A subordinate category or a division of a category of product(s) you sell. For example, if you sell Book products, then your category(s) might be Academic then your sub-category(s) may be Medical, Law, etc.

Currently shopnix supports three tier category. For example 3tier.png

Where I can access the type(s) , Category(s) and sub-category(s) feature?

Go to store Manager > CategoriesCate.png


As shown in the above figure in the “Show Types with” section you can search any existing Product type. For Example suppose you want to search Electronics typeSearch Prodtype.png

Now suppose you want to add a new type, i.e. Book in to store so you can type Book and click on the .AddNewTypeBtn.jpg


After clicking it would be


Now you have the Book type and you can proceed to add Category(s) by CategoriesLink.pnglink and it will redirect you to the page and suppose you want to add Academic as Category like


Write Academic in the box and click on the CategoryBtn.jpg button. Now you have Type Book, Category Academic now add sub-category for this. So click on the SubCategoryLink.jpg link and now write Medical inside the box and click on SubCategoryBtn.jpg button.


So finally click on the category (Go to store Manager > Categories)


If you have more queries or would like assistance with this please contact us on