
Others/Franchise Store Inventory Management

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 12:01, 19 July 2014 by Subhrajit (talk | contribs) (Franchise store inventory management)

Franchise store inventory management

This feature allows you add/delete the products to a particular supplier.

Go to Admin ( > Suppiler


Now click on the supplier name under Name column like below.

Supplier inventory.png

Suppose you click on the supplier4 thyen you will redirect to another page like below where you can see inventory tab like below.

Supplier inventory2.png

You can search an inventory also using the Show Inventory with option like below.

Search inventory.png

You can also delete a inventory from the list using Del.png option.

In-order to add a new inventory type the name under Product Name like below.

Product add inventory.png

then click on the Add inventory button.png button.

If you have more queries or would like assistance with this please contact us on