
Shop Apps Setting

From Shopnix Help

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How to create Google Appid and Appsecret?

1- Login to the Google account by your credentials.

2- Go to .

3- Click on Create Project.


4- Write Project Name as your Shop Name and no need to do in Project Id field then click on create button.


5- Go to APIs & auth > Credentials.


6- Now click on –


7- Select Application Type – Web Application and give the Authorized Redirect URL and click on

 Clientid.png  Button.

8- In redirecting page Appid = Clientid and Appsecret=Clientsecret 9- Now Go to Shopnix Store Admin > Setup > Apps. To enable the registration using Google account.


After making enable this feature you need to click on setting button which will be redirected to you on Edit Shop App Google Login page-


Here you need to fill the Appid and Appsecret now you’re your shopnix store is ready to login with Google account.