
Make A Pre-order

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 19:22, 28 April 2014 by Subhrajit (talk | contribs) (Where can I access the pre order feature in store manager?)

What is pre-order?

A pre-order is an order placed for an item or product which has not yet been released.

Where can I access the pre order feature in store manager?

Go to Store Manager > PRODUCTS > ADD NEW PRODUCT


There you will find the pre-order option


Upon clicking the Pre-Order option you will get


Note: When you checked the “Pre-Order” and unchecked the “Active” option. Then product will not show in the shop’s product’s page. So upon your requirement you can check or uncheck the Active option.

Another important thing if you make the “Stock Level” to 0 then in the shop’s page it will show the product is out of stock so upon your requirement you can specify the number.

In the “Pre-Order Available By” text area you can add the date when the product will available or any other message and that will show in the product’s page.

Example: Suppose a product having SKU UN573MA52RUDINDFAS and you want to enable the Pre-Order option so first go to ADMIN > PRODUCTS, like below


Note: you can checked or Unchecked the “Pre-Order” status from here but not the “Pre-Order Available By”option.Text area will not show here. Just click on the SKU i.e. UN573MA52RUDINDFAS and it will redirect you to the product’s (UN573MA52RUDINDFAS) page where you can perform edition.


Checked on the “Pre-Order” option and type your message in the “Pre-Order Available By” and check the “Active” option.


Then click on the Savebtn.jpg button.

In the store's page
