
Product Pricing

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 16:43, 8 July 2014 by Subhrajit (talk | contribs) (Where can I access the Product Pricing feature in the Store Manager?)

How can I calculate the Pricing for a product?

Formula for Calculating the Net Price is as below

Discounted Price = MRP – (MRP * (Discount Rate/100))
Net Price = Discounted Price + (Discounted Price * Tax Rate/ 100) + Shipping Charges

For example: In the below figure the MRP is Rs. 1000.00, Discount Rate is 10.00%, Tax Rate is 2.00% and Shipping Charges are Rs.30.00. So by calculating the Discounted Price and Net Price

So by calculating the Discounted Price and Net Price

Discount Price=1000.00 - (1000.00*(10.00/100)) =Rs.900.00
Net Price=900.00 + (900.00*(2.00/100) + 30.00=Rs.948.00


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