
Pincode based COD

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 15:32, 11 July 2014 by Subhrajit (talk | contribs) (How can Access the list of Locations?)

What is Pincode based COD?

In ecommerce business you need to provide facility of COD. COD is the process of product delivery where you can collect the order amount after delivering it. The Pincode based COD facilitates you to enable the cod option for particular locations based on there pincode.

How can Access the list of Locations?

You can see a list of all Locations by the following below steps -

Go to Admin >Customers >All Customers.


On a redirected page by default you will get all the list of Location as showing in below image-


click on the city link as shown in below image


click on area link as shown in below image


to Enable/Disable COD option for particular pincode or area, click on "is cod available option" as shown in below image