
Getting Started

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 19:31, 29 August 2012 by Nandan (talk | contribs) (Map store your own domain)


There are 2 modules in ShopNix:

  • Your store (also referred to as shop) where customers buy your products
  • Your Store Manager which is useful in running your online store.

Your store is accessible to anyone who knows your domain name. Domain name is the URL you type into the browser address bar to reach your web store. It usually looks like <yourstore>.in or www.<yourstore>.in

Example a sample store on Shopnix can be reached through its domain name:

However the Store Manager is accessible only to the store owners. To access your Store Manager visit the Shopnix portal ( and click on the Login button on the top bar. You can also access the Store Manager by appending (/admin) to your domain name. i.e <yourstore>.in/admin

Eg: Store Manager for the Brandz store can be accessed as:

Once you reach the Store Manager login page, provide the username (emailID) and password you entered during shop creation and you will be logged in.

Map store to your own domain