
Setup/User Permission Management

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 16:05, 7 February 2022 by Sachin (talk | contribs) (Where can I access the Users feature?)
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Who are Users?

The users section allows you to add or updates user’s details. Generally users section is useful when you (admin) wants to give access to other user(s) to maintain the store. For example: Suppose you are the owner of the store i.e. Admin and you want to give the privilege to another one to maintain the store behalf of you. So you can do those things here the important thing is that you can give certain or full control to the new one as per your requirement.

Where can I access the Users feature?

Go to store manager > SETUP > USERS


After clicking on the Users, a new page will emerge


Addtional Tags

This feature will help you to add different information regarding the user.

For example click on the RK Sen under Name


In the additional details tab U9.png you can Tag name and Tag value of the user like Age: 20


And click on the Addbtn.png button


If you have more queries or would like assistance with this please contact us on