

From Shopnix Help

Revision as of 14:46, 26 April 2014 by Subhrajit (talk | contribs) (Where I will get this feature?)

What is Shop Profile?

Shop profile is the profile where all the details of the shop is available.

Where I will get Shop Profile feature?

Go to store manager > SETUP > SHOP PROFILE


As shown in above figure you can edit the Name, Title,Description,Keywords,Address,Support mail, Support phone, Logo of your shop after editing click on the Savebtn.jpgbutton to make changes.

Note 1:In order to change the Domain first click on the SP2.jpg then edit the domain name inside the box as per your requirement ,Like

Before editing


During Editing


After write the new domain click on the button, and a pop will emerge like


Click on the SP6.jpg button and it will redirect you to new domain for which you have to login once again.

Note 2: The image for the logo should have the height 100px and width 300px and the format must be in jpeg, jpg, png.

What is Shop Setting?

Shop Setting feature lets you enable / disable some features of you shop as per your requirement as well as its lets you edit some feature like your bank account details.

Where I will get Shop Setting feature?

Go to store Manager > SETUP > SETTINGS


For example if you want to add a minimum order shipping charge (shipping charges to be applied for orders below Min Free Order Size). So go to the row where “Min Order Shipping Charge” is mentioned and click on the value i.e. (0 here).


Then enter the value as you want suppose 70 and press ENTER key.


This Min Order Shipping Charge’s value will be display on Store’s page while checkout.


What is Users?

The users section allows you to add or updates user’s details. Generally users section is useful when you (admin) wants give access to other user(s) to maintain the store. For example: Suppose you are the owner of the store i.e. Admin and you want to give the privilege to another one to maintain the store behalf of you. So you can do those things here the important thing is that you can give certain or full control to the new one as per your requirement.

Where I can access the Users feature?

Go to store manager > SETUP > USERS


In order to add a new User click on the U2.jpgbutton.


Suppose Full Name is: xyz, Email ID:,Mention the password, Mobile: 1234567890, Type: Normal User and click on the AddBtn.jpg button.



Click on the xyz under Name


Here as you see User Permissions, in this section you can give privilege to the respective user(s). You can remove the permissions from the right side of the table by simply clicking on the U7.jpg button. For example if you want to remove the permission Store>Catalog>Type>Delete then simply click on the U7.jpg and


click on the Savebtn.jpg button

In the additional details tab U9.jpg you can Tag name and Tag value of the user like Age: 20


And click on the AddBtn.jpg button


What is Theme?

Where I will get this feature?

Go to store manager > SETUP > THEME


There are 3 tabs i.e. Theme, Customize and Home


First comes to the Theme tab Theme tab consist of two options i.e. Layout1: For Layout1 themes, the expected image dimensions are 300x500px. Layout2: For Layout2 themes, the expected image dimensions are 500*500px. How to add a theme to your shop? First choose your layout i.e. Layout1 or Layout2, For example you choose Layout1 and UI Darkness theme.


As you can see there are two options i.e. VIEW and APPLY THEME. If you click on the TH4.jpg then it will show you how the page will looks like if you apply the theme


And if you want to change the theme then click on the TH6.jpg button. For Layout2 you can follow the same procedure as Layout1. Now come to the Customize tab


In this section you can upload you own background image, you can set your own background color. You can upload the image by clicking on the TH8.jpg button. Now come to the Home Page Banner tab. These banners are visible in the Store’s home page



You can change the banner by clicking on the TH11.jpg button .Suppose you want to change the Banner 1


In the Store’s Home page


In the Link part


You can add a link so that when a user will click on that image; the user will automatically redirect to that page (specified by the link).Add a link in the specified box and click on the button.


In the above figure I have added a link i.e. ,so when the user will click on SaveBtn.jpgthat image in the home page ,the user will redirect to clothing-apparel section