3 step guide to selling on Amazon in just 7 days

3 step guide to selling on Amazon in just 7 days

Are you looking to start selling on Amazon in just 7 days? It can be done, with the right planning and strategy. Selling on Amazon is a great way to make money online, as millions of people shop there every day. In this article, we’ll provide you with a 3-step guide that will help you get started quickly and easily.

Step 1: Create Your Seller Account
The first step in getting your business up and running on Amazon is creating your seller account. This process only takes a few minutes but it’s important that you do it correctly so that you can start selling as soon as possible. To create an Amazon seller account, simply go to “Sell On Amazon” page and click the “Start Selling” button near the top of the page. You’ll then need to fill out some basic information such as name, address, phone number etc., before agreeing to their terms & conditions and setting up payment details for sales transactions (this will usually involve adding your bank details). Once all these steps have been completed successfully, your seller account should be ready!

Step 2: List Your Products
Now that your seller account has been created successfully, it’s time to list some products for sale on Amazon. Before listing any products however it’s important that you research what types of items are popular among buyers – this helps ensure that whatever product(s) you decide to sell have high demand levels which means more sales for yourself! When researching potential products take into consideration things like price point (what range does most similar products sell at?), item quality/condition (are they new or used?) & shipping costs associated with delivering them from where they’re sourced from (if applicable). With all these factors taken into consideration now comes the fun part – actually listing items for sale! To list something simply click “Add A Product” under Manage Inventory section of Seller Central dashboard & follow instructions provided by system until completion – don’t forget about filling out product descriptions too which includes features/benefits offered by each item listed!

Step 3: Promote Your Products Once everything is set up properly its time promote those listings so customers know they exist! There are many ways one can market their goods including using social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter; creating YouTube videos showcasing featured items; utilizing email marketing campaigns targeting potential buyers directly through newsletters etc.. Additionally if budget allows consider investing in paid advertisement campaigns like Google AdWords or Bing Ads – both offer highly effective methods when used correctly & could really boost visibility/awareness of offerings quickly resulting increased revenue streams over time too!

Following these three simple steps should allow anyone interested in starting their own business selling via Amazon platform within just 7 days – remember though patience pays off here since success won’t happen overnight but if dedication remains consistent results will eventually come around sooner than later so keep working hard towards achieving goal no matter how long journey takes 🙂 Good luck everyone!.


My self Samantha. I am a blogger, who likes to write about eCommerce businesses and how people could make a living out of it. Interest:- Lifestyle, online business, digital marketing.

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