How to Put your Instagram Names on Business Cards.

How to Put your Instagram Names on Business Cards.

Business cards are an essential marketing tool used to help promote yourself, your brand and services. Adding your Instagram name to a business card can be a great way of extending the reach of your network and increasing engagement with potential customers. Here is how you can put your Instagram name on business cards:

  1. Choose an appropriate font size for your Instagram name – When adding text to a business card, it’s important to choose an appropriate font size that will be easy to read at first glance. If you make it too small, people may not be able to read it easily which could cause them to miss out on connecting with you through this platform. It’s advisable that the font size should not exceed 10 points in order for it to remain legible when printed onto the card stock material of choice.
  2. Select the right colour palette – It’s important that any text added stands out against other elements such as logos or images so selecting a contrasting colour palette is key here in order for someone’s eye’s focus directly on what they need – which is likely going to be finding out where they can connect with you via social media channels such as Instagram!

3 . Place the username strategically – Where exactly you place the username depends largely on what kind of design layout has been chosen for print but generally speaking its best placed near either side (either top/bottom) within clear view rather than somewhere tucked away at bottom corner or even buried between text lines etc… This ensures maximum visibility when handing over business cards during meetings or networking events etc.

4 . Include relevant hashtags – Hashtags have become one of the most popular ways users search and discover content on social networks like Instagram so why not include some relevant ones alongside your user account? Doing this gives viewers more context about who they’re engaging with plus increases chances of being discovered by new audiences due their posts being featured under those hashtag searches – making sure everyone knows who you are!

5 . Utilize QR codes – For those looking for something more interactive then including a quick response code (QR Code) linked directly back towards your profile page might just do trick instead! These codes allow anyone scanning them using their smartphones access specific web pages simply by pointing camera lens at code itself – making connection process seamless without having type anything manually into browser window… perfect if space limited too!

6 . Use dedicated apps and tools- There are often apps available specifically designed help customise personalised designs onto standard sized business cards quickly & efficiently from comfort own home device itself Eg: Canva Card Maker app which allows users create stunning visuals ready print straightaway no matter skill level required get job done correctly first time around every-time!

Following these simple steps will ensure that adding your instagram name onto business cards will increase exposure while also helping establish credibility among peers & potential clients alike – ultimately leading better outcomes long term success goals set both personally professionally…

Good Luck Everyone!!


My self Samantha. I am a blogger, who likes to write about eCommerce businesses and how people could make a living out of it. Interest:- Lifestyle, online business, digital marketing.

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