Design/Customizing the Home page banners
From Shopnix Help
What is Home Page Banner?
Depending on how it's used, a banner is either a graphic image that announces the name or identity of a site (and often is spread across the width of the Web page) or is an advertising image.
Why do we need Home Page Banner?
Your homepage banner is the gatekeeper of your website, with a very important job. It needs to help the right visitors dive deeper into your website while also weeding out the people who won't find value in what you offer.
Where will I get Home Page Banner feature?
There are 3 tabs i.e. Theme, Customize and Home
Now come to the Home Page Banner tab. These banners are visible in the Store’s home page
You can change the banner by clicking on the button .
Suppose you want to change the Banner 1
In the Store’s Home page
You can add a link so that when a user will click on that image; the user will automatically redirect to that page (specified by the link).Add a link in the specified box and click on the button.
In the above figure we have added a link i.e. ,so when the user will click on that image in the home page ,the user will redirect to clothing-apparel section.
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