Settingup your own Domain
From Shopnix Help
Your domain name is a unique name to identify you on the internet. Its the URL that you type into the address bar to reach your store. When you sign-up to Shopnix you are given a free domain that looks like http://<yourstorename>
However we understand that you would want a more customised domain name like http://<yourstorename>.com
For this you will need to first purchase a domain. Below is a list of firms that can help you with this.
Once you purchase the domain from one of these providers, you will need to set your domain's nameserver to point to -
If you are a non-technical person, send us a mail on Our Support EMail with details of the
- Domain name you have purchased
- Access details to your registrar
- Your Shopnix store link
We can help you out in mapping your Shopnix store to your own domain.